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How ZECLOUD textsearch Helps?
Content Managers
Legal Professionals
Researchers and Academics
Analyze Content Performance
Receive insights by searching for terms and phrases related to user engagement metrics - views, shares, comments
Improve Content Discoverability
Enhance your articles discoverability by helping visitors find relevant content quickly, leading to longer site visits and higher user satisfaction
Investigating Client and Case Files
Analyze large volumes of case data with ZE Text-Search and improve your case preparation
Review Legal Precedents and Agreements
Save time and locate specific regulations or legal codes by searching for keywords or phrases within numerous legal texts
Explore Cross-Disciplinary Research
Use ZE Text Search to search for interdisciplinary keywords or concepts that may not be immediately obvious within your primary field
Speed Up Data Gathering
Use full-text search to find specific data sets, experimental results, or statistical analyses within a large body of scientific literature, such as research papers, journals, and databases
Multilingual Full-Text Search
Provide full-text , multilingual search capabilities enabling your company to search and retrieve relevant information regardless of the language in which the data is stored
Advanced Indexing
Utilize sophisticated indexing techniques to speed up search queries, allowing quick and accurate retrieval of information even in large and complex datasets
Promoted Search Engine
Incorporate a promoted search engine feature that allows the prioritization of certain results based on predefined criteria, enhancing the visibility of specific content
Real-Time Search Updates
Enable real-time updates to search indexes, ensuring that newly added or modified data is immediately searchable, providing users with the most up-to-date information
Big Data Management
Efficiently handle and process massive datasets, ensuring that your application scales seamlessly as the volume of data grows, without compromising on performance
Cloud-Based Solution
Operate entirely in the cloud, eliminating the need for software installation or maintenance, and providing global fully-secured access to your data from any device